for 1bundleRegular price
1 bundle
(4 samples)Reg: $15.00 /bundle Save0%
Surcharge debug info:
- Current zip code: 63060
- Current surcharge percentage: 40
- Original price: $0.00
- Original price per sqft: $0.00
- New price per sqft: $0.00
- New price with surcharge: $21.00
Discounts debug info:
- Discounts: false
- Volume Discounts: true
- start date: 2023-02-20 03:00
- end date: 2025-12-31 15:00
- Normal price: calculating...
- New price: calculating...
- Normal price sqft: calculating...
- New pricesqft: calculating...
Kanopi's Fissured Collection Sample Bundle features popular Armstrong ceiling tiles for offices, schools, restaurants, and other commercial settings.
Kanopi's Fissured Collection Sample Bundle features popular Armstrong ceiling tiles for offices, schools, restaurants, and other commercial settings.
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