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Return policy

Kanopi’s Return Policy is subject to the Terms of Use, available here.

If you are not satisfied with the products after receiving your order, you may contact our customer service department within 30 days of receiving the products to request a refund. Please complete this form to start the return process.

Only items that have been purchased directly through may be returned under the Return Policy. Armstrong products purchased through other retailers must be returned in accordance with their respective return and refund policies.

PLEASE NOTE: Special order items and samples are not eligible for return or refund. Special order items include TECTUM Create! Ceiling Panels & Walls, TECTUM Design Art Lines - Direct Attach, TECTUM Design Art Lines - Tegular, TECTUM DesignArt Shapes - Direct-Attach Ceilings & Walls, TECTUM DESIGNART Lines - High NRC Ceilings And Walls, TECTUM DESIGNART Lines - High NRC Tegular Ceilings, TECTUM FINALE PB Ceiling Panels & Walls, SOUNDSCAPES Shapes, SOUNDSCAPES Blades, SOUNDSOAK PANELS, EASY ELEGANCE Shallow Coffer, EASY ELEGANCE Deep Coffer, FELTWORKS Acoustical Ceiling Panels, and FELTWORKS Blades - VARAFFIX Reinforced Rectangular.


In order to receive a full refund, the following conditions must be met:

• You must provide proof of purchase and provide an order confirmation email.

• Items are in the original box and packaging.

• This includes any pallets or crates on which the items arrived.

• Items are free from scratches, defects, or other damage.**

• Items must be in resellable condition.**

• Items must not have been installed.

  • Once Kanopi by Armstrong Ceilings receives the returned products, we will inspect the items to ensure they are in good condition. It may take up to 20 days for an item to reach us, and for us to inspect it, once you return it. You will be notified promptly of the status of your refund request after our receipt and inspection of the returned products. If your refund is approved, the original form of payment used for the purchase will be refunded. Please allow 3-5 business days for the refund amount to show up in your account.

**Special consideration will be given if your items are delivered damaged.

Restocking fee

Products that qualify to be returned to us will be subject to a restocking fee of twenty percent (20%) of the original purchase price plus shipping cost. The restocking fee is not applicable in the following situations:

• Products were defective or damaged at the time of receipt;

• Products were not received within the published lead time window on; or

• Products ordered do not match the products delivered;


In order to receive a full refund, the following conditions must be met:

• You must provide proof of purchase and provide an order confirmation email.

• Items are in the original box and packaging.

• This includes any pallets or crates on which the items arrived.

• Items are free from scratches, defects, or other damage.**

• Items must be in resellable condition.**

• Items must not have been installed.

  • Once we receive the returned products, we will inspect the items to ensure they are in good condition. It may take up to 20 days for an item to reach us, and for us to inspect it, once you return it. You will be notified promptly of the status of your refund request after our receipt and inspection of the returned products. If your refund is approved, the original form of payment used for the purchase will be refunded. Please allow 3-5 business days for the refund amount to show up in your account.

**Special consideration will be given if your items are delivered damaged.

Restocking fee

Products that qualify to be returned to us will be subject to a restocking fee of twenty percent (20%) of the original purchase price plus shipping cost. The restocking fee is not applicable in the following situations:

• Products were defective or damaged at the time of receipt;

• Products were not received within the published lead time window on; or

• Products ordered do not match the products delivered;

Return shipping fees

For your convenience the Kanopi customer service team is available to answer questions about your return label and help schedule pick up of your returned items.

In most cases, Kanopi will cover the cost of return shipping if these conditions are true***:

• Items were not received within the published lead time window on

• Items ordered do not match the items delivered.

***In some cases, an additional fee may apply to your return. Situations vary based on locations, item(s) ordered, and other reasons. The Kanopi customer service team will be able to provide more information for your particular return.

    • Customer agrees to cover the cost of return shipping if these conditions are true:

      • Items were bought by mistake.

      • Items are no longer wanted or needed.

      • Items ordered are the wrong size.

      • Main beams:

        • If your return contains grid main beams, please note this fact when completing the return request form. Due to the size of grid main beams, additional return shipping fees may be required.

      • Palletized Items:

        • If your return contains items that were delivered to you on a pallet, please note this fact when completing the return request form. Due to the volume of products delivered on a pallet, additional return shipping fees may be required.

      • We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to refuse any return or refund request that violates this Return Policy, or otherwise appears to be fraudulent, abusive, or inappropriate.

      For additional questions, connect with a customer support expert or review our frequently asked questions.

Return shipping fees

For your convenience the Kanopi customer service team is available to answer questions about your return label and help schedule pick up of your returned items.

In most cases, Kanopi will cover the cost of return shipping if these conditions are true***:

• Items were not received within the published lead time window on

• Items ordered do not match the items delivered.

***In some cases, an additional fee may apply to your return. Situations vary based on locations, item(s) ordered, and other reasons. The Kanopi customer service team will be able to provide more information for your particular return.

  • Customer agrees to cover the cost of return shipping if these conditions are true:

    Items were bought by mistake.

    • Items are no longer wanted or needed.

    • Items ordered are the wrong size.

  • Main beams:

    • If your return contains grid main beams, please note this fact when completing the return request form. Due to the size of grid main beams, additional return shipping fees may be required.

  • Palletized Items:

    If your return contains items that were delivered to you on a pallet, please note this fact when completing the return request form. Due to the volume of products delivered on a pallet, additional return shipping fees may be required.

  • Kanopi by Armstrong reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse any return or refund request that violates this policy, or otherwise appears to be fraudulent, abusive, or inappropriate.
  • For additional questions, connect with a customer support expert or review our frequently asked questions.

Frequently asked questions

How long do I have to return an item?

You will need to contact our customer service department within 30 days from your receipt of the product.

Which items are eligible for return?

All items are eligible for return, except for the *special order items listed below. Please note that some items will require additional return fees due to weight, size, location, and/or other shipping factors. Eligible returns are subject to a twenty percent (20%) restocking fee plus the cost of shipping.

*Non-returnable special order items include TECTUM Create! Ceiling Panels & Walls, TECTUM Design Art Lines - Direct Attach, TECTUM Design Art Lines - Tegular, TECTUM DesignArt Shapes - Direct-Attach Ceilings & Walls, TECTUM FINALE PB Ceiling Panels & Walls, SOUNDSCAPES Shapes, SOUNDSCAPES Blades, SOUNDSOAK PANELS, EASY ELEGANCE Shallow Coffer, EASY ELEGANCE Deep Coffer, FELTWORKS Acoustical Ceiling Panels, and FELTWORKS Blades - VARAFFIX Reinforced Rectangular.

Start your return process by filling out this form.

I received the wrong item. How do I get a refund?

If you receive the wrong item, please contact our customer service department. We will cover the return shipping for any item ordered that does not match the item delivered.

When will I have my refund?

Once we receive the returned products, we will inspect the items to ensure their good condition. You will be notified promptly of the status of your refund request. If approved, the credit card used for the purchase will be refunded.

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